Becas universitarias
Publicado 2013-01-17

Dan David Prize Scholarships

San Pedro Sula
Sin definir
Todo el país



  • Please type in the requested information (English only).
  • For inquiries, please contact [email protected], tel: +972-3-6406614


Deadline for receipt of applications: March 15, 2013

  • In order to fill out the scholarship application form you will need the information listed below:



Applicant´s details

  • Title, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name
  • Name of Applicant´s Institution of Study and Department
  • Postal Address of Institution of Study
  • Ph.D. student or Postdoctoral researcher
  • Commencement date of Ph.D. studies or Postdoctoral research period
  • Date of approval of Ph.D. research project (Postdoc: Not Applicable)
  • Title of Ph.D./Postdoctoral Research Project
  • Postal Address of Applicant
  • Telephone Numbers: Work, Home and Mobile
  • Fax, Email



Supervisor´s details

  • Title, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name
  • Name of Supervisor´s Institution of Affiliation and Department
  • Telephone Number at Work
  • Fax, Email



  • A full curriculum vitae of the applicant (allowed: doc|rtf|docx|pdf / max:5mb)
  • A one-two page description of the applicant´s doctoral/postdoctoral research project (allowed: doc|rtf|docx|pdf / max:5mb)
  • A list of the applicant´s publications (allowed: doc|rtf|docx|pdf / max:5mb)
  • Three separate letters of recommendation, on official letterhead and signed, by recognized scholars in the field, one of which is the doctoral/postdoctoral supervisor (allowed: doc|rtf|docx|pdf / max:5mb)Applicants/Recommenders are requested to go to Recommendation Submission Form to attach the recommendation letters. In addition, originals must be received by March 15, 2013, via regular post to: Ms. Smadar Fisher, Director, Dan David Prize, P.O.Box 39040, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel.
  • Authorization by the university, on official letterhead and signed, that the applicant is a registered doctoral studen/postdoctoral researcher in the stated department and university, and whose research has been approved. (allowed: doc|rtf|docx|pdf / max:5mb)  In addition, original must be received by 
    March 15, 2013 via regular post to: Ms. Smadar Fisher, Director, Dan David Prize, 
    P.O.Box 39040, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel.

For Tel Aviv University Students
In addition to the above:

  • A list of all Tel Aviv University scholarships/grants, which have been awarded to the applicant for the coming academic year and those to which he/she has applied.
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